At long last, I have finally regained control of my blog! I forgot my password and the primary account email was set to a dummy account I can't even log in to. It was a huge pain in the ass and all of the "support" is automated -- no one to talk to or email. But, I should be back to posting on a several times a month basis soon.
I've been working my ass off for the past two years doing more historic research (which will allow me to show people beyond any doubt that this whole mess is simply an insane merry-go-round in which the exact same crap occurs over and over), as well as updating all of the primary data resources on my site.
There are a lot of things going on, the dialog is starting to get better and more and more people are paying attention. Now is the time to get everybody lined up, singing the same song, and marching in the same direction.
The prohibitionists are feeling the heat and relying on their same old tired arguments and shocktoids -- time to knock them off their horses!
Please check out "Freedom of Medicine and Diet", particularly the March 2008 archives for lots of overlooked history and perhaps some insight as to why the drug policy reform organizations are so slow:
Brian, Glad to see you're back! I'm just back to this aspect of the fight for liberty myself. I'll definitely be checking in here (and hyping your research elsewhere). Peace, SgtCrom.
yo sgtcrom -- good to hear from you! i still don't have a lot of time for doing any blog updates -- as you can tell from the date on my last post, but i didn't really go away.
i've been concentrating on doing more historic research (gathering news articles from 4 major us papers dating back to the mid 1850's) and working on updating my site, so that has kept me very busy. the best news is that i've almost gotten to the point where i can start working on my book: "Drug War Rehab"
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